Trade Opportunities for Pakistan in Golden Ring Countries
Published in: May (2024)
The purpose of this report is to identify the main problems and prospects of cooperation between Pakistan and Central Asia, including in the context of the current dynamics of the situation in Afghanistan and review the existing trade structure of Pakistan and GRCs and impediments that exists through comprehensive analysis based on consolidated trade data of Pakistan.
This research study has attempted to examine Pakistan's trade from various perspectives with CARs as the markets of Golden Ring Countries (GRC) can provide favorable access to Pakistan’s exports. This report examines the untapped potential for trade between the Central Asian States. In particular, it examines the causes of the extremely low bilateral trade volumes and identifies key challenges and bottlenecks to trade, as well as select interventions designed to boost trading relationships.
The report aims to a) analyze trade gaps between Pakistan and GRCs; b) find trade related problems existing between Pakistan and GRCs; c) find the trade potential of Pakistan with GRCs & CARs; d) suggest strategies for enhancement of trade between Pakistan and GRCs; e) study the possibilities of barter trade and local currency trade; and f) conduct price comparison for imported items of Pakistani products with CARs and GRCs.
The report is significant since it studies and analyses existing foreign trade composition of Pakistan vis-a-vis CARs. It serves to identify potential areas of trade and provide policy recommendations for boosting trade ties with GRC. Many solutions have been looked at in order to find the best way to use marketplaces for different items of Pakistan with GRCs.
Trade mapping will be of assistance to the business community, investors, and policy makers of Pakistan in identifying viable trade markets in GRCs mainly through barter trade and import substitution. The study found that besides trade complementarity there is huge trade potential between the economies of Central Asia and Pakistan but both sides are unable to utilize the actual potential.
The main goal of this study is to provide a thorough analysis based on aggregated trade data of Pakistan and GRCs in order to understand future research areas and opportunities for Pakistan to capitalize on its geo-economic advantages.
A Short Report on Lessons From CPEC Phase-01 and Implementation of CPEC Phase-02
Published in: August (2023)
This Report has been prepared with reference to the meeting between Chairman Golden Ring Economic Forum (GREF) Pakistan, Lt. Gen. Sikander Afzal HI(M), Retired and Chairman Regional Development Institute (RDI) China, Madam Prof. Dr. Zhao Baige along with her team and the President China Centre for Social Sciences Prof. Dr. Mr. Hailzn Ye, held at the Good Offices of RDI on June 20, 2023 in Beijing, Peoples Republic of China. As had been desired by the Chinese side that they would like GREF to develop a Report containing recommendations and suggestions for the implementation of Phase-02 of CPEC and Gwadar Port in the light of lessons learnt in Phase-01.
Regional Connectivity:
Economic and Trade Opportunities For
Pakistan with Golden Ring Countries and
Central Asian Republics.
Published in: November (2022)
A seminar on “Regional Connectivity- Economic and Trade Opportunities
for Pakistan with Golden Ring Countries (GRC’s) and Central Asian Republics
(CAR’s)” was jointly organized by China Study Center, University of Peshawar,
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Board of Investment and Trade (KP-BOIT), Golden Ring
Economic Forum (GREF) and Global Governance Institute, China. on August
nd, 2022 at Sahibzada Abdul Qayyum Auditorium, University of Peshawar,
Published in: November (2022) Volume-13
The global dynamics are rapidly changing owing to compounded, augmented and
complexed security issues, assymetric conflicts, economic challenges overlapping issues of
sovereignty and territorial integrities and socio-economic implications of these threats. At
the core of this transitory phase lies the shift of power from the West to Asia. These realities have zoomed in the geoeconomics and the twenty first century is being drawn on this
as the twentieth century belonged to the geopolitics. This fundamental transition is elevating the strategic significance of Pakistan, the "Zipper State", connecting the Eurasian Vision
and a clipping state for Belt and Road Initiative. The primary factor of US to compete China
and the former determining Russia a malign factor intensifies the bidding to have maximum
influence in this region. India, has become a natural and potential choice of priority for the
US. India's new found position in the Indo Pacific as the US Net Security Provider, it's foundational agreements with the US for huge logistic, intelligence and military systems cooperation renders it a valuable partner for the West to contain China and Russia. The emerging
nexus of US-India-Israel in the Indian Ocean is clearly a bid to encircle China and Russia in
which Pakistan elevates to be the front line or the first target, or if tapped and incentivized
adequately, to be a defense. Russia's prudent Eurasian Vision and International North South
Trade Corridor is a win-win project to engage Iran and India. Yet the former's natural inclination towards the the US and the latter's highly limited options due to Arab-Israel nexus in
the Strait of Hormuz post Abraham Accords may pose a challenge to the practicality of these
connectivity visions. The growing requirements of regional connectivity align China, Russia,
Iran, Pakistan and Turkey naturally for the mutual and regional security and prosperity. The
most significant point in this regional connectivity is the Gwadar Port having huge potential
of catering to regional trade, connectivity and aligning with other regional trade routes with
much better security prospects. Russia, an important global actor and regional player, and
Pakistan have the suitable prospects to leverage Pakistan's magnified role in global politics
for practical gains, can jointly play a better counter game.
Regional Geostartegic Challenges: Golden Ring Bloc-An Opportunity For Pakistan's Strategic & Economic Security
Published in: October, November, December
(2020) Volume-1
GREF has planned a second series of webinars to discuss the “Changing regional
geostrategic environment and how Pakistan can extract maximum benefit from
it”. There will be a total of three webinars as follows,
1. Defense & National Security and relationship with Golden Ring countries;
2. Pakistan’s Foreign Policy and relationship with Golden Ring countries;
3. Media joint initiatives of Golden Ring countries.
Through this series of Webinars GREF seeks to generate a discussion on the effects
of the evolving regional developments around Pakistan, internal political scenario and
how Pakistan can adjust to the evolving opportunities in the short and medium term
for its strategic security in sync with Golden Ring countries.
The first two webinars will comprise speakers who have been Defense Secretaries /
National Security Advisor and Foreign Secretaries. The third webinar will comprise of
media persons as media plays a very prominent role in projecting and promoting
national narrative, point of view and policies of countries and is driver of public
Regional Geostartegic Challenges: Golden Ring Bloc-An Opportunity For Pakistan's Strategic & Economic Security
Published in: October, November, December
(2020) Volume-2
In the light of changing regional geostrategic conditions and their ramifications on
Pakistan. Evolving environment in Afghanistan, ongoing confrontation between China
and India, Kashmir a flash point, threats and pressures on Pakistan through FATF, IMF
and other similar regimes. Pakistan's future relations with KSA and gulf countries in light of
Arab-India-Israel-US grouping, Arabs and Pakistan's position in case of conflict in Persian
Gulf. All of this demands that Pakistan needs a serious revisit to its economic, foreign and
security policies to face the future challenges of national economic and territorial security.
Pakistan needs to explore options to come out of Euro-Dollar hegemony and trade with its
regional neighbors in Barter through a SPV or in local/common currencies. Pakistan also
needs to look for and develop alternate sources of fuel and energy supplies other than the
conventional ones.
Golden Ring Economic Bloc For Regional Peace And National Economic Security
Published in: April 30, 2019
Islamabad, Pakistan
The rapid geopolitical developments across the globe have also resulted in changes on world
geo-economic map. With the formation of new political and strategic groupings in the region
around Pakistan, it has become more than necessary for our national business and economic
stakeholders to critically re-evaluate their future planning and strategies, to face the looming
challenges. Foreseeing these changes and developments, a group of businessmen, former
diplomats and defense forces senior officers, industrialists and scholars put their heads
together and formed a think-tank cum lobbying group by the name of Golden Ring Economic
Forum (GREF) back in 2014. The focus of GREF is on working towards formation of a new
strategic economic bloc consisting of China, Iran, Pakistan, Russia and Turkey –the “Golden
Abraham Accords, Indo-Pacific Accord and the
US-Led Nexus of Curtailment: Threat to Regional
Security, and Joint Counter Strategy
Shabana Syed* and Zainab Ahmed**
Published in: 2021
The Abraham Accords emerged against a background of a new geostrategic reality
of shifting balances of power towards Eurasia. They have served to elevate Israel
and cause divisions among Muslims to intensify the Arab-Iran conflict. The Accords
also signaled that the US could now direct its focus on China, which it considers
an existential threat for its global hegemony. Asia-Pacific region is fast
transforming through economic growth led by China, and economists have
heralded this phenomenon as the emergence of the 'New Asian Century.' This
paper argues that the US might resort to create constructive chaos in the region
through its alliance with Israel and India. Washington has put this strategy in place
since 2001 and it has been successful in taming the region in its favor. In
continuation to the War on Terror (WoT) policies that targeted Muslim nations, the
US reinvigorated its Pivot to Asia' policy which targets China, Russia, Iran, and
Pakistan. A major threat for Washington is the expansion and recognition of
Beijing's ambitious Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) that will transform the global
geopolitical landscape, connecting it with 65 countries across the globe. ChinaPakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) being a major project in the framework of
transnational connectivity has huge potential for Pakistan. India is playing a key
role as a lynchpin for the US in the region and is perturbed equally from the rise
of China, and regional development projects of the latter. China, Russia, Pakistan
and Iran need to devise a joint regional strategy to safeguard their collective
interests. If the US fails in its objective to contain China and its developing
alliances, it will attempt to destabilize the region through the strategy of
constructive chaos.
Comparative Analysis Of Food Security
In Pakistan And Iran:
Prospects Of Improving Bilateral Trade And
Dr. Asia Mukhtar 1
Assistant Professor
Kinnaird College for Women University, Lahore
Dua Hamid
Beaconhouse College Campus, Gulberg, Lahore.
Food security is a multi-faceted concept. Adopting a qualitative methodology, this study
has focused on tracing the causes of food insecurity in Pakistan and Iran. In Iran, arid
and semi-arid climate is the major reason, while economic sanctions have aggravated
the situation. In Pakistan, mismanagement and policy incapacitation in the agricultural
sector are the basic hurdles. The lack of land reforms and technology, subsidized
agriculture, and increase in smuggling has exacerbated the food insecurity in Pakistan.
Concerted efforts to resolve these conditions can not only bring about increase the food
production of Pakistan but also can boost trade with Iran. As the economic sanctions on
Iran have been the major trade impediment between Iran and Pakistan, barter trade can
offer an effective alternative. Finally, this paper provides policy recommendations for
improving bilateral trade and cooperation that can not only enhance the food security
in Iran but also the energy security in Pakistan.
Does more stringencies in government policies during pandemic impact
stock returns? Fresh evidence from GREF countries, a new emerging
green bloc
Jianqiang Gu a,*
, Xiao-Guang Yue b
, Safia Nosheen c
, Naveed -ul-Haq d
, Lei Shi a
In this paper, we investigate the impact of the government economic policies in addition to the more stringent
Covid-19 policies on stock index returns of GREF countries, that is, a new economic bloc of 5 countries (Pakistan,
Iran, Turkey, Russia, and China) to foster for sustainable development of the region. Using the Panel, ARDL
model and data for index returns and economic and Covid-19 control policies for the period March 1, 2020–June
30, 2021, results show that Income support, workplace closure, stringency index, and cancellation of public
events have a significant positive impact on the stock index returns over the long run. In contrast, school closure,
restriction on public gatherings, and international travel control policies negatively impact stock returns. In
comparison, Debt policies, Covid-19 testing policies, health index, and face-covering policies remain insignificant. In the short run, stringent index and face-covering policies remain positively significant. Results of the
study suggest significant policy implications that can help reform economic and Covid-19 control policies and
promote the region’s economic growth over the long-run period.
Great Power Rivalry in Indo Pacific:
Implications for Pakistan
Zainab Ahmed*
Published in: STRATEGIC STUDIES 2021Winter Issue
Vol. 41, Number 4
The term of Indo Pacific delineates a conceptual evolution in the US strategic community to contain
and encircle China by countering it in the area of its influence. The underlined policy priority is to
counter Belt and Road Initiative to contain China. While China’s strict adherence to the previous
geographical connotation of Asia Pacific establishes that it sticks to its policy of leading world by
economic interdependence approach in Asia. This great power competition in the Indo Pacific region
has wide ranging strategic and economic implications for Pakistan. This paper aims to discern into the
factors which are making the strategic environment tensed thinning out the options for Pakistan. The
two basic questions which this study addresses are: a. How does conceptual shift from Asia Pacific to
Indo Pacific transform the strategic environment of this region? b. Why is this transformation so
significant for Pakistan’s geostrategic interests?
Regional Energy Grid Of Cars, China, Iran,
Pakistan, Russia, And Turkey
By: Moaz Altaf, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand
Research Fellow: Golden Ring Economic Forum
Published in: 2021
In this paper, the current energy needs and available resources of China, Iran,
Pakistan, Russia, Turkey, and Central Asian Region countries have been examined.
Also, the geostrategic location of the afore-mentioned countries is analyzed. Based on
their energy needs, available resources, and their geographic location, an energy
corridor between these countries has been proposed, which is given the name of
“Golden Ring Energy Corridor”. This corridor will connect these Golden Ring countries
and hence an Energy trade would be made possible through pipeline, land, and sea
routes between these countries. At the end, SWOT analysis of this proposed corridor
has been presented so that the strengths and advantages of this corridor can be
highlighted and the weaknesses and the possible threats in the implementation of this
proposed corridor can be analyzed also. Some countermeasures have also been
suggested so that the implementation of this Corridor can be realized.
Regional Energy Grid Of Cars, China, Iran,
Pakistan, Russia, And Turkey
By: Moaz Altaf, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand
Research Fellow: Golden Ring Economic Forum
Published in: 2021
In this paper, the current energy needs and available resources of China, Iran,
Pakistan, Russia, Turkey, and Central Asian Region countries have been examined.
Also, the geostrategic location of the afore-mentioned countries is analyzed. Based on
their energy needs, available resources, and their geographic location, an energy
corridor between these countries has been proposed, which is given the name of
“Golden Ring Energy Corridor”. This corridor will connect these Golden Ring countries
and hence an Energy trade would be made possible through pipeline, land, and sea
routes between these countries. At the end, SWOT analysis of this proposed corridor
has been presented so that the strengths and advantages of this corridor can be
highlighted and the weaknesses and the possible threats in the implementation of this
proposed corridor can be analyzed also. Some countermeasures have also been
suggested so that the implementation of this Corridor can be realized.